Forty Years After Roe v. Wade:
Reproductive Rights and Justice Today
Saturday, March 9, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Feminist Majority Foundation
433 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(between Olympic and Pico Boulevards)
Fetal Personhood: A Moral and Legal Quagmire
Jean Schroedel
Professor of Politics & Policy, Claremont Graduate University
Race, Class and Reproductive Justice After Roe v Wade
Dionne Bensonsmith, PhD
Independent Scholar
Challenging Access: Lawmaking and Activism in Kansas and Mississippi
duVergne Gaines
Legal Coordinator, National Clinic Access Project, Feminist Majority Foundation
Unearthing Latin@ Voices on Abortion
Myra Duran
Policy Coordinator, California Latinas for Reproductive Justice
Please come early, as space is limited.
Metered parking available on Beverly Dr.; limited free parking behind building (enter on Beverwil Dr.).